Saturday, February 26, 2005

Terror Trainee: Part 2

Next day....
I started work earlier cos my MGR asked me to. But I wasn't working alone ( that's a sad thing :( ). My new staff came at about 8.30am. Issit going to be another bad day for me??

Weird... She count the money in the cash register and it total up to a sum of $290 ( I think ). How can it be?? I counted $300 in there. Nevermind... I went to count the money again and proved to her that there was $300 in there. Ta da... $300.
Okie... she start work counting wrong amount of money.

I didn't do much at the counter except for bill payments and topping up of Cash Cards and Autopass Cards. The AM had asked me to let her attend to the customers while I do something else and watch her. I'll help only if there are too many customers.

As usual, she forgets about the product code, not sure of what drink customer purchase and most IMPORTANTLY, the Hello Kitty promotion in which customer is entitled to one with every $5 purchase. I wonder if the mystery shopper turns up... the MGR and AM will be in trouble! Haiz...

A last... ending shift soon. She had to close her cash register first so had to ask her to do a last pickup at 2.30pm. Dam was she slow... I've never seen someone who takes 15 mins to count all the money in the register and leave behind $300. WAHHH.....

That's another day with the new staff....


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