Oh yes!!!!!! Finally, all the hard work is done over with. I will be taking the LAST paper in the 'A' Level syllabus ( pronounced as 'air' level ) today @ 2pm. Hahaha... its the Physics design question paper. Is there a need to study??
Tian Cai said:" Who ever study for study for today's paper will get beaten..."
Ok, after the paper.. its PARTY time !!!!
Hmm, an analysis of yesterday's paper:
Physics paper 3 - Generally able to do, although can't remember the correct definition for some but still have some idea. Fluid was a bit of problem... No buoyancy, no metacentre, no Bernouill equation, no ball spinning. Came out: " define incompressable, non-turbulent, streamline fluid... terminal velocity... etc "
F. Maths paper 2 - Think its on the average side, mechanics still doing ok, statistics rather tricky with that regression question ( i attempted it ). But, what was disturbing was that the statistics section had both geometric and negative exponential questions, which also everyone was practically weak at. Well, at least the geometric one wasn't so bad, and like what Mrs Tay said, the negative exp. question was that we couldn't understand the concept...
Generally, I'm satisfied with my answers.