This day marks my last day teaching in Chai Chee Secondary School.
There are angers along the way,
There are happiness along the way.
What's importantly, it the support I get from the people around me.
They have shaped me into becoming a better teacher.
Well... I did not take much photos about the school.
This entry reflects the 3 aspects of Chai Chee Secondary School - Environment, Students and People.
It is really unfortunate that I could not take as much photos as I wanted.
Environment:Though the school compound is small, it gives a cozy feeling.
No matter where you stand, you can almost see the whole school, from level 1 to level 4.
Don't be mislead by the condition of the school.
Every classroom is fitted with an interactive whiteboard.
I must admit that I quite like the board as it is very handy when you want to scribble notes on presentations. Like most would have feedbacked, the software kinda suck.
Corridor outside the general office, leading to the staff room.

Physics Lab is old and woody.

It still has half a blackboard on one side and half a whiteboard on the other side.
Sitting in between is the interactive whiteboard.
The lab is one of the best place to use the interactive whiteboard as it has the correct lighting condition.
Students:After teaching in the school for 1 year, I would not say that all the students are bad.
Most of them are friendly. They are just lazy to pay attention in class.
WIth some encouragement and persuasion and guidance, they can do the given assignment.
Sometimes, I like to hang out with a few of them after school to have some chat.

Colleagues:Colleagues make the best friends in school.
They go for breaks together, have breakfast and lunch together.
We joke around in the staff room, have some fun chats to drive all the frustrations away.
They are the bunch of people I will miss greatly after I leave.

The one year contract teaching experience at Chai Chee Secondary School has been rewarding for me.
I understand is cooperative learning.
I have picked up a new technology - Interactive Whiteboard.
I understood the importance of weekly lesson plans.
I understood a teacher is not just someone who passes knowledge down. There are much more things that a teacher needs to do in school like work review, cca... etc.
There are people who have aspired me to reach for a higher position in the teaching profession.
There are people who suggest to me what are the roles I can take up when I go to a new school.
For now, I'm just a student teacher.
My wish: I hope to become a HOD.
On the eastern shores of Singapore,