Monday, July 10, 2006
Community Clicks - Round 1
Date: 9th July 2006
Location: Geylang Serai Community Club Time: 10am
Objective: To shoot people, places and things.
Equipment: D100 wif 24 - 70 mm (courtesy of jx)
That's what I did yesterday wif another 2 friends of mine, xinyi and mei zhen.
Reaching the community club slighty after 10am cos we thought the cc was near Eunos mrt. FYI, that one is called Kampong Ubi CC.
Later we found it's exact location: Near Tk sec.
Think we misunderstood.
We were told by Cosgrove to shoot somethign bold and tight composition.
In the end, we were more out of topic.

62mm, F5.6, 1/60s
70mm, F5.6, 1/40s
70mm, F5.6, 1/500s
70mm, F5.6, 1/125s
70mm, F5.6, 1/400s
34mm, F5.6, 1/125s
70mm, F4.5, 1/125s
24mm, F4.5, 1/1000s
The photos above were taken near the President's home...
Take note that this time, President refers to S'pore's not PS'.
70mm, F4.5, 1/125s
70mm, F5.6, 1/125s
65mm, F5.6, 1/90s
70mm, F5.6, 1/125s
34mm, F5.6, 1/320s
34mm, F5.6, 1/60s
70mm, F5.6, 1/20s
70mm, F5.6, 1/45s
I submitted the letter box landscape one.
It was a rainny sunday.
We went for lunch at Joo Chiat.
Ate the Fei Fei Won Ton Mee.
Juz as we were about to walk back, it started to rain heavily again.
Took a cab back to the cc.
Sat down and watch the slide show of the entries.
Guess who the judges were???
1. John Cosgove
2. Some founding member of the Nature Photographic Soc!!!!
3. I dunno who.
With one nature photographer as judge, 4 out of the 10 selected prints were flowers.
My friends and i see no link to Geylang Serai wif flowers.
Having landscapes and humans as sleceted ones i dun mind, but flowers???
Trying my luck at Tampines next... ...
Montage 2006 pictures
I'm in DMC working now and playing maple.
Isn't that good??? Play maple and earn $$ at the same time.
I'm kinda slow.
Finally getting my fingers to write this entry cos got lotsa pictures to upload here.
Okay okay...
This one will be about Montage 2006 seminar...
Yes, I know it ended 1 month ago.
The pictures have been storing on my laptop for a few weeks already.
Time to put them up.
So enjoy...

The event display at the entrance to the theatre.
Gerald (course director) and his charity photo display.
Eddie Sung - Rock artiste photography
Yit Leong, our videographer... multi-tasking
I like this cos they both look up at something at the same time. hahaha
This is Stefen - Extreme photography
Geoff Ang - Fashion photography
Kelvin, Gerald & me :0
The Exhibition area.