finally finish editing 170+ of photos i shot like 3 weeks back.
sian... when it comes to photo editing
tough being a photographer.
term break is coming...
and my core modules are getting tougher in content.
totally forget about Groups for Algebra.
that's like chapter 3 and we just started with chapter 4.
Analysis II is killing me with all the proving for differentiability and integration so far. Probability lecture i like give up half way (would i say totally).
Din go for so many lectures and tutorial is not like JC maths kind of easy one.
i need help.
Now very busy with Montage.
Minor role in it but I'm the predsident leh...
cannot slack one.
Stressed about school.
Stressed about CCA.
Still hoping for the table to turn in relationship.
hmmm... i'm trying out the fake photography thingy i read on clubsnap.
yay!!! finally got it.
but my lappy can't take CS2 that fast.
very slow.
Here goes:

not that fantastic yet.
only steps 3 out of 4. will try another day...
bye... got to go home liao