I went back to the mangrove forest again!!!
Dunno why so attracted to it.
Dunno why so attracted to it.
Partly is bcos the photos i took few days ago din turn out good enough.
This time, I went there in the morning.
This time, I went there in the morning.
Saw much more animals as compared in the evening.
Also, I witnessed the HIGH TIDE into the mangrove forest.
Also, I witnessed the HIGH TIDE into the mangrove forest.
That was a great satisfaction for me.
Took many many pictures in the mangrove.
Best return for going there so many times.
Best return for going there so many times.
The forest activity was high.
Damn happy.
High tide + morning can see more things trust me.
I saw a snake, many species of crab which later then i know, shells, fish, puffer fish, jellyfish.
Still waiting to see the mud lobster but i think very difficult to see it.

This crabby is now on my desktop.

Chut chut with its face.