Went to Changi Beach with Xinyi to shoot but didn't expect to end up in Pulau Ubin. So hot and sunny too. Since we're on this island, might as well take a walk round the island. As we were walking, I spotted the unusual car plates on this island. Interested, and took a few pictures of them.

Ubin car

Ubin car plate
Wondering whether to take the bicycle or not, hey, just stop and take another picture of the rows of bicycles parked outside, waiting to be rented by tourists. So CHEAP... only $3 per day. You pay only 3 bucks for unlimited usage of the bike...

Bicycle shop
Then there was two guys sitting outside a house, idling around. Okie... Quickly took a photo of them while they weren't looking...

Ubin life

Doggy, nice doggy
Everything is so interesting to take on this island, even for the car's vihicle license. Its pink in colour, different from what we have on mainland.

Ubin Pink Vehicle Licence
Pass the shophouses and walked into the jungle. We chose to take the discovery trail. Boy! It is a discovery trail. Saw a lot of things. From the jackfruit to oriental pied hornbills to even monitor lizards. Dangerous...


Oriental Pied Hornbill
Next, we dropped by at the village chief's house, attracted by the unusual nosies coming from the cages... Guess what we found? An ostrich at the backyard, about 2m tall. We were so excited, never seen an ostrich so close up before. Quickly took pictures.

Ostrich in Ubin?
It was a long walk before we made it to the jetty finally.... Had to wait till there are 12 passengers before we can take the boat back. In the mean time, took some pictures from the jetty.
Approaching boat
Really enjoyed ourselves. Promised to take essential things ( hat, insect repellent, towel, water ) along whenever we go out...
Tiring but fun.
Ha ha ha